
Wake To Your essence

Nobantu enables you to be fully present and awake to what matters to you most. Based on the bedrock of Ubuntu ‘I am because we are’ and the 7 C’s of Ubuntu; Compassion, Caring, Co-creation, Curiosity, Courage, Connectedness and Call to Action, Nobantu’s coaching perspective helps to connect you to the essence of who you are, to those who came before you and finally to who you are destined to become.

ubuntu coaching for coaches

Ubuntu Coaching for Coaches

The course supports coaches in finding and honing their Signature Presence. We help the coaches to fully SEE (SAWUBONA) and listen deeply to what matters most to their clients.

Team Coaching & Facilitation

Team Coaching & Facilitation

Starting at the self-discovery level, these workshops seek to expand to inter-connectedness and inter-relations to others and ultimately to broader stakeholder relations and management.
Personal & Mentor Coaching

Personal & Mentor Coaching

Nobantu provides a safe and open space for focus and exploration. No matter what she does she gets to the HEART of the client and the HEART of the matter.
Peace Circle Facilitation

Peace Circle Facilitation

Lasting solutions are born from collaboration. This workshop aims to create a conducive environment, for parties that are not seeing eye to eye, to find each other and work through obstacles.

Building Better Futures Together